Evonik Catalysts India Pvt. Ltd.

M/s Kratu Energy Solutions is associated with us as a LED Lighting Vendor for last about 1 year. M/s Kratu Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd have provided us LED light fittings in the form of a. New standard LED Light fittings, b. Retrofit LED Light fittings, c. Customized LED Light fittings & d. Providing support to LED light fittings by other manufacturers, We have experienced a reduction in wattage in the retrofitted LED Light fittings supplied by them coupled with higher level of light. In last more than 1 year, we have not experienced any deterioration in light output from these fittings. Their service has always remained prompt & we have not faced any issues relating to service from their side. In future, if the need arises, we would not hesitate in dealing with M/s Kratu. Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Again.

Rahul Manurkar Sr. VP (M&E) Nanded City Development & Construction Co. Ltd.

M/s Kratu Energy Solutions is associated with us as a LED Lighting Vendor for last about 3 years. M/s Kratu Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd have retrofitted our more than 2000 CFL passage light fittings by converting the 25w CFL fittings into 10w LED fittings within the same housing. Despite reduction in wattage, the level of light output has increased by about 50% from earlier. In last more than 2 years, we have not experienced any deterioration in light output from these fittings. Also, we have not faced any issues relating to service from their side. In future, if the need arises, we would not hesitate in dealing again with M/s Kratu Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Mogora Cosmic Pvt. Ltd.

M/s Kratu Energy Solutions is associated with us as a LED Lighting Vendor for last about 1 year. M/s Kratu Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd have provided us LED light fittings in the form of Customized LED Light fittings for our Shopfloor at Bhosari. We have experienced a drastic reduction in wattage in the custom made LED Light fittings supplied by them coupled with higher level of light when compared to our earlier conventional light fittings. In last more than 1 year, we have not experienced any deterioration in light output from these fittings. Their service has always remained prompt & we have not faced any issues relating to service from their side. In future, if the need arises, we would not hesitate in dealing with M/s Kratu Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Again.

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